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Pre-School - T.K.D Tigers Program


Our T.K.D. Tigers Program is focused on improving kindergarten/ preschool-aged children's basic motor and listening skills as well as building good solid fundamental martial art skills.

What Can I expect from my child/children?

  • To be excited about this activity

  • Willingness to work towards a goal

  • Learning to cooperate within a group setting

  • Wanting to be a leader by being a good example to classmates



  • Better students at school (memory and focus)

  • Better listeners at home (following directions the first time)

  • Increased energy (but nice and worn out after class)

  • Better manners (reinforcement of what is taught at home)

  • More ambitious because of our goal oriented curriculum (belts and tips)

  • Helps prepare them for our Children's Martial Arts Program

  • Improves motor-coordination and reflexes (good for other sports and activities, too.

The skills learned in our T.K.D. Tiger Program will help your child enter society with more confidence and enthusiasm. 

Tigers Curriculum Info


Graduating out of the Tigers Program

There are two ways*:

  1. The first is to graduate by completing the program

  2. The second is by instructor recommendation 
    - What this means is that your child is excelling beyond the expectations of the tiger program, and the instructor feels that the child would benefit more in the children's class

*Please remember that all children develop differently and that leaving early does not indicate superiority to other students.


Who are the instructors

Our T.K.D. Tiger Instructors are great role models who have years of experience working with the preschool/kindergarten age children. They are career martial artists and career instructors who know that having fun while learning their basics will lead to a lifetime love of Taekwondo.

Program Differences

How is the T.K.D. Tigers Program (4-5 yrs) different from the Children's Program (6-12yrs)?
As you probably already know, there is a big difference between a 4 and a 6 year old. Physical and mental maturities cover a wide range for this age group. The first difference is the class length, 35 minutes for the Tigers and 50 minutes for the Children's. The curriculum is very similar, but instead of reaching the gold belt as their third belt (Children's), it is their seventh (Tigers).

This helps the learning process by spreading it out and having it presented in a more structured fashion while being broken into 4 main areas:

  • Focus Skills

  • Physical Fitness Skills

  • Blocking Skills

  • Striking Skills

Character Development 

We would like to welcome you to our children’s character development program. We are proud to offer you and your family an innovative and success proven children’s character development program. It is called the Five Animal Character Development Program.

The character development program that your child will be going through is based on the martial arts five animal system, modern day psychology, and good old fashioned parenting.

The five animals we are using for this program have been deemed to be the most respected throughout the martial arts history. It has been said that the ancient monks learned how to move, act, and think like these special animals to create a balanced, healthy, and happy lifestyle.



From the Dragon, your child will learn; to help, share, listen better and be nicer…
The martial arts aspect of this animal is that mind, body and spirit become one!
Now your child will be learning Dragon Respect!








From the Tiger, your child will learn; confidence, trustworthiness, to walk their talk,
to never to give up and to commit to excellence... The martial arts aspect of this
animal is tenacity and power! Now your child will be learning Tiger leadership!








From the Snake, they will learn; no yelling, no hitting, healthy eating, how to
develop great focus and to control their emotions… The martial arts aspect of this
animal is accuracy & speed! Now your child will be learning Snake Self-Control!








From the Crane, they will learn; to never steal, admit when they are wrong, be
strong enough to stand their ground even if others disagree, and to tell the truth…
The martial arts aspect of this animal is balance & control! Now your child will learn
Crane Honesty!








From the Leopard, they will learn; to clean up their toys, brush their teeth, make
their bed, to do their homework & practice their martial arts. The martial arts aspect
of this animal is speed and strength! Now your child will be learning Leopard

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